Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th May 2011 was an historic day for Little Stoke and the Hallam's Family!.
Nick has assembled the low and high pressure pistons, Both Cranks & Stevenson's link.
They are fitted but still nead tightning and packing/gaskets in the appropiate places. Here's some pics of the said work.
(Please note these components have not been together in over 40 years..)
David Hallam Onlooking Wow
Test Fitting 11th May 2011
Nick has test fitted exhaust, pump, Chimmney base and cylinder end caps.
May / June 2011
Jon and Nick have been really busy through the month of May and June here is the progress. Now thanks to these 2 this is really starting to look like a roller.. Good work Nick & Jon.
Thur 21st July Nick refits the Cylinder head
Saftey valve & regulator rod fitted. End of July 2011
Nick's been busy heres some work he has been doing in August
Canopy supports and boiler clacks and water gage refitted heres some pics
August 29th Nick and jon spend some time with Little Stoke and nick replaces another Clack
1st September nick refits the pump and pipes
Another walkround of Little Stoke 17/09/2011
17/09/2011 03/04/2010